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Urgently take precautions against contagious hepatitis
The health worker at the head of the field
(1964, May)
Wholeheartedly serve the people
(1965, February)
Go to the countryside to serve the 500 million peasants
(1965, December)
Serving 500 million peasants
(1966, February)
(1968, April)
Showing loving care
(Early 1970s)
Brigade Clinic
(Early 1970s)
To go on a thousand 'li' march to temper a red heart
(1971, January)
Walk the glorious road shown by the 'Three Constantly Read Articles'
(1971, May)
Electing the team leader
(ca. 1972)
Productive labor is the most glorious, women can also become heroes, giving birth to boys or girls is all the same, transform social conditions to create new customs
(ca. 1972)
Perfect one's skill for the revolution
(1973, March)
Spring colors in the border areas
(1973, July)
Practicing acupuncture
(1973, September)
Deliver medicine to the doorstep, do a good job in birth control work
The duckling returns to the brigade
(1974, January)
Mountain village medical station
(1974, May)
The life of educated youth on the grasslands I
(1974, May)
Marry late and engage in planned parenthood for the revolution
(1974, August)
Speaking glowingly of the excellent situation
(1974, September)
Barefoot doctors are all over the mountain villages, cooperation creates a new atmosphere of medical treatment
(1974, September)
Mountain village medical station (Selected from the Huxian peasant painting exhibition)
(1975, January)
A new doctor in the fishing harbor
(1975, March)
New household in the mountain village
(1975, April)
Birth control is good
(1975, August)
The Four News -- studying new plays; giving new needles; raising new shoots; welcoming new spring
(1975, August)
Spring in Dazhai
(1975, September)
A successful operation
(1975, September)
Children's examination day
(1975, October)
This auntie vaccinates us
(Ca. 1975)
The spring of New Socialist Things fills the fields, women hold up half the sky
(1976, March)
Help agriculture make contributions
(1976, April)
The gains of the proletarian cultural revolution cannot be counted
(1976, April)
Long live the victory of the great proletarian cultural revolution
(1976, May)
The New Socialist Things are fine
(1976, May)
I place my hope on you
(1976, September)
New Year's Eve in the collective household
(1977, June)
A courtyard full of Spring colors
(1977, July)
Our doctor Bethune
(1977, October)
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