At the height of the cult surrounding him, Mao’s image was reproduced on practically every medium imaginable. Porcelain, ivory, gypsum, rock, wood, leather, paper (both as papercut and as poster), embroidery, scrap metal, and even silk fabric bore images of the Chairman.

Wishing Chairman Mao everlasting life, late 1960s

Great leader Chairman Mao, late 1960s
These silks reproduced well-known images of Mao and Party history. They were manufactured by the Hangzhou "East is Red" Silk Factory and could be framed or mounted as scrolls.
The veneration of Mao continues to the present day. In Reform China, his image is no longer woven into silk. Department stores still carry the Mao-brand, produced with the most advanced techniques on artificial fibres.

Great leader Chairman Mao Zedong, late 1960s

Mao Zedong, date unknown