Quotation from Chairman Mao: This streamlined administration must be strict, thorough and general, rather than perfunctory, painless and local....

毛主席语录:这一次精兵简政,必须是严格的,彻底的普遍的,而不是敷衍的,不痛不痒的,局部的。在这次精兵简政中, 必须达到精简,统一, 效能,节约和反官僚主义五项目的。
Mao zhuxi yulu: Zhe yici jingbingjianzheng, bixu shi yange de, chedi de, pubian de, er bushi fuyan de, bu tong bu yang de, jubu de. Zai zhe ci jingbingjianzheng zhong, bixu dadao jingjian, tongyi, xiaoneng, jieyue he fan guanliao zhuyi wu xiangmu dì
Quotation from Chairman Mao: This streamlined administration must be strict, thorough and general, rather than perfunctory, painless and local....
Beijing chubanshe (北京出版社)
75x52 cm.
BG E13/555

The full quote runs as follows: "This streamlined administration must be strict, thorough and general, rather than perfunctory, painless and local. In this streamlined administration, the five items of streamlining, unification, efficiency, economy and anti-bureaucracy must be achieved" (这一次精兵简政,必须是严格的,彻底的普遍的,而不是敷衍的,不痛不痒的,局部的。在这次精兵简政中, 必须达到精简,统一, 效能,节约和反官僚主义五项目的 Zhe yici jingbingjianzheng, bixu shi yange de, chedi de, pubian de, er bushi fuyan de, bu tong bu yang de, jubu de. Zai zhe ci jingbingjianzheng zhong, bixu dadao jingjian, tongyi, xiaoneng, jieyue he fan guanliao zhuyi wu xiangmu dì).