毛主席的革命路线胜利万岁! Mao zhuxide geming luxian shengli wansui! Designer Liaison station of the Red Revolutionary Rebels of the National Art World (全国美术界红色革命造反联络站) Date 1966-1967 Publisher Hebei renmin meishu chubanshe (河北人民美术出版社) Size 77x54 cm. Call nr. BG E15/310 Collection Landsberger collection Notes The counter-revolutionaries that are crushed by the Red Guard include Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, Wang Guangmei, Lu Dingyi, and Peng Zhen. Theme Cultural Revolution Campaigns (1966-1976) Tags China poster Chinese propaganda Cultural Revolution Red Guards Liu Shaoqi Deng Xiaoping Peng Zhen 刘少奇 邓小平 彭真 毛泽东选集 Selected Works of Mao Zedong satchel Mao badge leaflet 红卫兵 Lu Dingyi Wang Guangmei 陆定一 王光美