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Our great leader Chairman Mao on the Tien An Men rostrum waving to a million revolutionary masses during a celebration of the great proletarian cultural revolution
Resolutely smash the number one power holders in the party that follow the capitalist road! Thoroughly crush the counterrevolutionary adverse current of capitalist restoration!
I support you
A page from history -- opera in 6 acts
Criticize the old world and build a new world with Mao Zedong Thought as a weapon
(1966, September)
Thoroughly crush the counterrevolutionary revisionist clique of Peng, Lu, Luo and Yang
(1966, December)
Chairman Mao's heart and ours forever beat as one - Chairman Mao inspects the great Cultural Revolutionary armies for the seventh time
A shining example - A great beginning - Chairman Mao's 8th inspection of the Cultural Revolution army
Smash the Shanghai Municipal Committee
Long live the victory of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line!
Hold high the great red banner of Mao Zedong Thought to wage the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution to the end - Revolution is no crime, to rebel is justified
We are eternally loyal to you, beloved leader Chairman Mao
Hold high the great red flag of Mao Zedong Thought, thoroughly smash the reactionary line of Liu and Deng
Pledge to death to defend red political power
Move forwards in wind and waves following Chairman Mao
Blood debts must be repaid in blood!
The people of Shanghai warmly welcome the 41 young overseas Chinese heroes!
Train and mature in the fire of revolutionary struggle!
Down with Liu Shaoqi! Down with Deng Xiaoping! Hold high the great red banner of Mao Zedong Thought - Great Meeting to thoroughly criticize the reactionary capitalist line of Liu and Deng
(1967, January)
Study the Sixteen Points; be familiar with the Sixteen Points; apply the Sixteen Points
(1967, February)
Learn from the workers-peasants-soldiers, unite with the workers-peasants-soldiers
(1967, February)
January Revolution illustrated
(1967, February)
It is now the spring plowing season […]
(1967, March)
[Our purpose is] to ensure that literature and art fit well into the whole revolutionary machine...
(1967, March)
Persevere in acting according to the Sixteen Points of the Central Committee of the Party
(1967, April)
Scatter the old world, build a new world
(1967, April)
Long live the proletarian revolutionary line with Chairman Mao as its representative!
(1967, May)
Resolutely uncover "1 June", massacre the murderers of the East Workers Sports Academy!
(1967, June)
Down with Yan Hongyan! Down with Li Jingquan!
(1967, July)
Long live the victory of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line in art!
(1967, August)
Long live Chairman Mao! Long live! Long, long live!
(1967, November)
Learn from the left-supporting, people-loving model Fourth Platoon, Learn from the left-supporting, people-loving model Li Wenzhong
(1967, December)
A blood-soaked counterrevolutionary murder case
(ca. 1967)
Long live the dictatorship of the proletariat!
(ca. 1967)
Our nation's millions of Red Guards resolutely support the patriotic compatriots of Hong Kong and Kowloon in their anti-English struggle against violent repression!
(ca. 1967)
Down with Peng Dehuai, Luo Ruiqing, Chen Zaidao, Liao Laotan!
(ca. 1967)
Liu Shaoqi, surrendering his whole life, so let him perish!
(ca. 1967)
A host of demons
(ca. 1967)
Red Guard kill American imperialism and Soviet revisionism - The world strikes down American imperialism and Soviet revisionism
Be in the vanguard of the fight against selfishness, be a pathbreaker in the combat against revisionism
(1968, January)
The happiest moment
(1968, January)
The world is yours, as well as ours, but in the last analysis, it is yours. You young people, full of vigor and vitality, are in the bloom of life, like the sun at eight or nine in the morning. Our hope is placed on you.
(1968, January)
The reddest reddest red sun in our heart, Chairman Mao and us together
(1968, January)
Like the heroic Fourth Platoon and Comrade Li Wenzhong, apply Chairman Mao's latest instructions in one's behavior. Realize new achievements for the people
(1968, February)
Warmly welcome the founding of the Hunan Provincial Revolutionary Committee – 10 April 1968
(1968, April)
Every red heart turns to the sun
(1968, April)
The world is yours, as well as ours, but in the last analysis, it is yours
(1968, August)
Chairman Mao will be with us forever
(ca. 1968)
Advance victoriously while following Chairman Mao's revolutionary line
Most beloved Chairman Mao, we wish you boundless longevity!
(1969, February)
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