Mutual care and love, share life - main topic of the 2003 International Aids Movement

相互关爱共享生命 - 2003年世界艾滋病宣传运动主题
Xianghu guanai gongxiang shengming - 2003 nian shijie aizibing xuanchuan yundong zhuti
Mutual care and love, share life - main topic of the 2003 International Aids Movement
ca. 2003
Weishengbu yibing kongzhisi (卫生部疫病控制司), Durex
74x52 cm.
BG E15/498

This poster was co-produced by the Ministry of Hygiene (Weishengbu yibing kongzhisi) and the Durex company, producer of contraceptives. The man is Pu Cunxin (濮存昕), famous actor and goodwill ambassador in China's campaign against HIV/AIDS.

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