The workers from Daqing study the 'Two Theories', pioneers also need a beacon light

Daqing gongren xue 'Liang Lun' chuangye youliao zhiludeng
The workers from Daqing study the 'Two Theories', pioneers also need a beacon light
1977, March
Shanghai renmin chubanshe (上海人民出版社)
78x107 cm.
BG E15/538

The "Two Theories" refer to two works by Mao Zedong, "On Contradiction" (Maodun lun, 矛盾论, 1937) and "On Practice" (Shilian lun, 实践论, 1937). "On Practice" and "On Contradiction" were published in People's Daily (Renmin ribao, 人民日报) on 29 December 1950, and 1 April 1952, respectively. The worker in front studies "On Practice".

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