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Study the spirit of Daqing
(1965, June)
Study the revolutionary spirit of Daqing, hold high the great red banner of Mao Zedong Thought, to struggle for the realization of the third Five Year Plan!
(1966, April)
It is a revolutionary requirement to marry late
(Early 1970s)
In industry, learn from Daqing
Struggling for the glory of the socialist nation
(1971, January)
In industry, learn from Daqing, in agriculture, learn from Dazhai, and the whole country learns from the People's Liberation Army
(1971, May)
Develop the economy, guarantee supplies
(1971, October)
Produce more artificial fertilizer to support agriculture
(1972, January)
In industry, learn from Daqing
(1972, April)
Denounce the heinous crimes of the renegade and traitor Lin Biao!
(1973, August)
In industry, learn from Daqing, in agriculture, learn from Dazhai
(1974, June)
The spirit of Iron Man Wang will be handed down generation after generation
(1974, August)
Spring arrived in the grasslands
(1974, November)
Study the spirit of Daqing, persevere in the great principles of acting independently and with the initiative in one's own hand and self-reliance
(1975, September)
On the banks of the Yangzi river, Daqing blooms
(1975, December)
Study theory to promote a great drive, race against time to build the Liaoyang Petrochemical Plant
(1975, December)
I donate oil to the nation
(1976, April)
In industry, learn from Daqing
(1976, April)
Songs of victory resound to the sky
(1976, July)
Bursts of red flowers
(1976, September)
In industry, learn from Daqing - Coalmining village in the Huai-Hai area
(1976, November)
Crude oil from Daqing arrives in Yuguan
(1976, November)
One flower leads ten thousand flowers to blossom
(1976, December)
Relentlessly criticize the "Gang of Four", set off a new upsurge of industry studying Daqing and agriculture studying Dazhai
(1977, January)
Thoroughly expose and criticize the 'Gang of Four's' crimes of smothering the movie «The Builders» and negating the red banner of Daqing
(1977, March)
Study the spirit of the Iron Man (Wang Jinxi), go full steam ahead in building socialism!
(1977, March)
The workers from Daqing study the 'Two Theories', pioneers also need a beacon light
(1977, March)
Take great strides in studying Daqing, make new contributions in the struggle to support agriculture
(1977, April)
Hold high the great red banner of the "Charter of the Anshan Iron and Steel Company", to set off the high tide of grasping revolution and promoting production
(1977, April)
In agriculture, learn from Dazhai - In industry, learn from Daqing
(1977, June)
Hold high the red banner of Daqing, to strive for new victories
(1978, February)
Struggle to create some ten "Daqing" oilfields
(1978, August)
Organize the people's militia on a big scale in the movements to study Dazhai and Daqing -- Third of four propaganda posters commemorating the 20th anniversary of Chairman Mao's instruction to "organize contingents of the people's militia on a big scale"
(1978, September)
Excellent sons and daughters of China -- Wang Jinxi
(1990, November)
60 years New China -- The country's economic strength is growing (part 1)
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