Resolutely cut off the bloody and criminal hand of the American aggressor that spreads germs!

Jianjue zhanduan Meiguo qinluezhe sabu xijunde zui'e xueshou!
Resolutely cut off the bloody and criminal hand of the American aggressor that spreads germs!
Publisher unknown
77x53 cm.
BG E15/833

During the Korean War, the Chinese leaders are convinced that the US are preparing to use bacterial weapons against the country. Massive inoculation campaigns are started to protect the people.
Text on the hilt of the bayonet: "Chinese and Korean People’s Armies" (Zhong Chao Renmin Jun - 中朝人民军).
On the insecticide sprayer: "Peace-loving people of the world" (Quan shijie aihao heping de renmin - 全世界爱好和平的⼈人民).

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