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The army and the people cooperate to defend South China
(ca. 1937)
Wait till my wounds have healed, then I'll go back to the front
(ca. 1937)
I will not let my comrades down who have already fallen, I will not let my commanding officers down who have already fallen, I will not let the people of my country down, I will return to the frontline for revenge and to wipe out a humiliation
(ca. 1937)
Step up production, support the front
The people's armed forces, defenders of peace!
Annihilate the American aggressors
(ca. 1950)
Oppose America, Support Korea, to protect home and nation!
(1951, February)
Defend our hometowns! Defend our motherland!
(1951, July)
Resolutely cut off the bloody and criminal hand of the American aggressor that spreads germs!
Enmity must be declared, injustice redressed, the blood debt must be repaid with blood!
(ca. 1951)
The fate of aggressors
(ca. 1952)
Produce more, kill more enemies
(1953, March)
Sports of New China -- Sports in the countryside
(1954, May)
Save our Taiwanese compatriots!
(1954, November)
We must liberate Taiwan
(1955, January)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 5
(1955, July)
We must liberate Taiwan
(1958, September)
We must liberate Taiwan!
(1958, December )
The people's commune is a red star
(1959, February)
Advance couragelously while holding high the red banner of Mao Zedong Thought! First military education poster
Army-civilian joint defense consolidates the borders. Fourth battle preparedness education poster
(1962, June)
Strengthen battle preparedness to tighten up coastal defense. Second battle preparedness education poster
(1962, June)
Chairman Mao's good soldier -- Lei Feng
(1963, May)
Study the People’s Liberation Army, realize revolutionization
(1964, April)
Celebrate the 15th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China -– Long live the great nation!
(1964, September)
A red pair
(1964, November)
American imperialism is the common enemy of all the people in the world!
(1964, December)
Long live Sino-Vietnamese unity!
(1965, February)
Oppose the American infringement upon the Vietnamese Democratic Republic!
(1965, February)
Resolutely support the just struggle of the Dominican people against America to defend their nation!
(1965, May)
The struggle of the brave Dominican people against America must be victorious!
(1965, June)
Charge courageously, the bayonet colors red
(1965, July)
Wipe out the enemy, protect yourself
(1965, July)
Practice skills, be always prepared, support Vietnam, wipe out the American aggressor!
(1965, July)
Keep the class enemy firmly in mind, hold the gun tightly in one's hand
(1965, July)
American imperialism is encircled ring upon ring by the people of the world
(1965, August)
Accurate shot
(1965, August)
Swimming practice to defeat rivers
(1965, September)
Train hard to increase one's combat efficiency, always respond to the nation's call!
(1965, September)
The nation reconstructs, flowers are in full bloom, our vigilance is increased, we guard against tigers and wolves
(1965, October)
Generation after generation is red
(1965, October)
Imperialism and all reactionaries are all paper tigers
(1965, December)
American imperialism get out of Africa
(1966, January)
Combat-ready, attackers will be destroyed!
(1966, January)
Practice skills, be prepared to wipe out the invading enemy
(1966, March)
Long live the victory of people's war!
(1966, April)
If the enemy dares to invade us, he will perish in the boundless ocean of people's war
(1966, April)
I listen to Chairman Mao's words, my gun listens to me
(1966, April)
Warriors love reading Chairman Mao's books most
(1966, October)
The army and the people are united as one, who on earth can oppose!
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