The Chairman travels all over the nation

Zhuxi zoubian quanguo
The Chairman travels all over the nation
1961, October
Renmin meishu chubanshe (人民美术出版社), Beijing
78x54 cm.
BG E16/311

Mao in a white shirt and grey trousers with a straw hat, justlike during his visit to the countryside of Henan, August 1958, at the start of the Great Leap Forward, made famous by Hou Bo's photograph.
The original painting in the 'guohua' or National style (国画) is from 1960 and now in the collection of the National Art Museum of China. Here it is accompanied by a poem or folk song calligraphed by Guo Moruo (郭沫若):
The Chairman travels all over the country, the mountains are happy and the rivers are happy, Mount Emei raises its hand to offer treasures, the Yellow River shakes its tail and sings. The Chairman travels all over the country, industry is happy,  agriculture is happy, grain and cotton rise to mountains, steel and molten iron turn into rivers. 
This is a print from the seventh edition (April 1964).

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