To do one's utmost for the people -- Study the Communist warrior comrade Yang Shuicai

为人民鞠躬尽瘁 -- 向共产主义战士杨水才同志学习
Wei renmin jugong jin cui -- xiang gongchan zhuyi zhanshi Yang Shuicai tongzhi xuexi
To do one's utmost for the people -- Study the Communist warrior comrade Yang Shuicai
1969, September
Sichuan renmin chubanshe (四川人民出版社)
77x53 cm.
BG E37/235

The text in the top corner reads: "I approve of this kind of slogan, known as 'Fearing neither hardship or death' - [signed] Mao Zedong" (我赞成这样的口号,叫做“一不怕苦,二不怕死“- 毛泽东).

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