Resolutely smash the vicious onslaught by bourgeois rightists! Protect socialism! Protect the Communist Party!

Jianjue datui zichan jieji you pai fenzi de changkuang jingong! Baowei shehui zhuyi! Baowei gongchandang!
Resolutely smash the vicious onslaught by bourgeois rightists! Protect socialism! Protect the Communist Party!
1957, August
Liaoning huabao she (辽宁画报社)
53x76 cm.
BG E37/911

Assorted cartoons and caricatures directed against alledged rightists within the CCP. The document in the lower left-hand corner is entitled "CCP Central Committee Directive about the Rectification Movement", dated 27 April 1957.

This poster is from the second impression. The first was published one month previously, i.e., in July 1957.

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