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Smash the imperialist war conspiracy, forge ahead courageously to build our peaceful and happy life!
Contribute to increasing production - To support the front to kill the enemy - For the beloved motherland!
(1951, July)
The truth topples the war mongers who fear peace
The world's reactionary and degenerate headquarters, the United States, is a rotten imperialist country
(ca. 1951)
Start patriotic production emulation - Oppose America, support Korea, protect the home and the nation!
(ca. 1951)
Everybody must take precautions against epidemics to smash the germ warfare of American imperialism!
Support the Constitution, defend the Constitution. All the people and all national organizations must act in accordance with the Constitution, and must wage struggle against all behavior that violates and threatens the Constitution
(1954, September)
Liberate Taiwan, annihilate the remnants of the bandit Chiang Kai-shek
(1954, November)
Looking for the road to death - let's break this open together
(1955, March)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 20
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 19
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 17
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 14
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 11
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 7
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 1
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 10
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 2
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 3
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 4
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 5
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 6
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 8
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 9
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 16
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 15
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 12
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 13
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 18
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons
(1955, July)
Resolutely, thoroughly, cleanly, completely eliminate all counterrevolutionary elements
(1955, December)
A dangerous road -- Resolutely wipe out Hu Feng's counterrevolutionary clique and all hidden counterrevolutionaries
(1955, December)
Raise revolutionary vigilance, oppose slackers, resolutely eliminate all counterrevolutionary elements, protect socialist construction!
(1955, December)
Resolutely, thoroughly, cleanly, completely eliminate all counterrevolutionary elements
(1955, December)
Resolutely smash the vicious onslaught by bourgeois rightists! Protect socialism! Protect the Communist Party!
(1957, August)
Smash the rightists' furious attacks! Defend socialist construction!
(1957, September)
Answer the enemies' sneers with even more concrete results!
(1958, March)
Protect socialism
(1958, June)
General Line propaganda poster 12
(1958, July)
Oppose aggression protect the great force of peace
(1958, August)
No American war provocation whatsoever can intimidate the Chinese people!
(1958, September)
Celebrate the great victory of the socialist General Line
(1958, September)
Drowning the enemy in a torrent of steel!
(1958, December)
Support the solemn and just stand of the Soviet government opposing the American imperialist crime of aggression!
(1960, May)
American imperialism is the most fiendish enemy of world peace!
(1960, June)
The storm of Asia
(1960, June)
Proletarians of the world, unite to oppose our common enemy!
(1963, February)
Awakened peoples, you will certainly attain the ultimate victory!
(1963, September)
American imperialism is the common enemy of all the people in the world!
(1964, December)
Resolutely smash the number one power holders in the party that follow the capitalist road! Thoroughly crush the counterrevolutionary adverse current of capitalist restoration!
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