The renegade traitor and scab Liu Shaoqi must forever be expelled from the Party!

把叛徒, 内奸, 工贼刘少奇永远开除出党!
Ba pantu, neijian, gongzei Liu Shaoqi yongyuan kaichu chudang!
The renegade traitor and scab Liu Shaoqi must forever be expelled from the Party!
1968, November
Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe (上海人民美术出版社)
76x105.5 cm.
BG G2/23

For many years, Liu Shaoqi is the most powerful man in China after Mao. Now he is 'public enemy number one'. On the poster his name is written in black characters, crossed out in red. The five figures represent, from right to left, workers, soldiers, peasants, Red Guards, and intellectuals.


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