Long, long live the Three Red Banners (central scroll)

Sanmian hongqi wanwansui (zhong tang)
Eternal life to the Three Red Banners (central scroll)
1964, October
Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe (上海人民美术出版社)
106.5x56 cm.

From bottom to top: a group of peasants with a tractor driven by a women in the center and flanked by Pioneers; a Party cadre/intellectual, a peasant, a worker, a soldier and a student in front of three red flags; representatives of different "National Minorities" dancing and making music with a Mao portrait in the center and infrastructural and industrial buildings left and right above.
The "Three Red Banners" are the General Line, the Great Leap Forward and the people's communes. This is the central scroll of a triptych; the left and right scrolls are not in our collection.
This is a print from the sixth edition (July 1965).