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The Chairman leads the building of the new China
I am a warrior protecting the peace -- I will not allow any imperialist to invade our territory again!
(early 1950s)
Protect socialist reconstruction -- A glorious page
(mid 1950s)
A new China brought by Chairman Mao's brilliant leadership
(1951, November)
Produce more! Contribute more!
(ca. 1951)
Start patriotic production emulation - Oppose America, support Korea, protect the home and the nation!
(ca. 1951)
Sino-Soviet friendship
(ca. 1951)
We will protect the honor of the red flag!
(1953, April)
Study the Soviet Union's advanced economy to build up our nation
(1953, June)
Reconstruct our great motherland
(1953, November)
Sell surplus grain to the nation, to support the construction of industry, to expand agricultural production!
(1953, December)
With the great support of the Soviet Union, and our own greatest strength, we will realize the industrialization of our nation step by step!
(1953, December)
The Shanghai workers support the construction of the whole nation
(1953, December)
The Shanghai workers support the construction of the whole nation
(1953, December)
The Shanghai workers support the construction of the whole nation
(1953, December)
The Shanghai workers support the construction of the whole nation
(1953, December)
The Shanghai workers support the construction of the whole nation
(1953, December)
The Shanghai workers support the construction of the whole nation
(1953, December)
The Shanghai workers support the construction of the whole nation
(1953, December)
The Shanghai workers support the construction of the whole nation
(1953, December)
The Shanghai workers support the construction of the whole nation
(1953, December)
Make sure that in the development of the base of production, the level of the material and cultural condition of the people must be raised step by step!
(1954, January)
We devote our greatest strength for socialism!
(1954, April)
On the way to the new sports field
(1954, October)
Support the country's industrialization - Help to increase agricultural production
(1954, October)
Extensively accumulate funds in society to serve the construction of our nation's economy
(1955, May)
All counterrevolutionary elements must be thoroughly, completely, absolutely, totally eliminated to protect socialist construction!
(1955, September)
Investment distribution of the First Five Year Plan
(1956, February)
For socialism, for a good life, everybody must buy government bonds!
(1956, February)
Map of the important industrial projects in our nation under the First Five Year Plan
(1956, February)
The steel industry is the basis of all industries
(1956, February)
Coal feeds industry
(1956, February)
Petroleum is the lifeblood on industry
(1956, February)
Machinery producing industry forms the heart of heavy industry
(1956, February)
Chemical industry
(1956, February)
Light industry supplies the people's daily necessities
(1956, February)
Industry and national defense
(1956, February)
We are grateful for the support of our peasant brothers for ensuring our production!
(1956, March)
The Soviet Union is the best friend of the Chinese people
(ca. 1956)
Untitled (Great Leap Forward banner)
General Line propaganda poster 11
(1958, July)
General Line propaganda poster 8 -- Under the condition that the development of heavy industry takes precedence, industry and agriculture must develop simultaneously
(1958, July)
General Line propaganda poster 9
(1958, July)
The industry of the motherland develops by leaps and bounds and frightens England so that it trembles with fear
(1958, July)
Production takes leap after leap! The nation is becoming ever more prosperous!
(1958, September)
The ten great points of the people's commune
(1958, September)
Double happiness II
(1958, October)
Take steel as the key link, make a leap forward in all fields
(1958, December)
The people's commune is powerful, ten thousand electric lamps illuminate ten thousand homes ...
(ca. 1958)
Untitled (People's communes) VI
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