"Promoting excellence" has set off a leap forward...

"推优”掀起跃进潮, 闯将闯出路一条; 试焊又逢最优点,多快好省逐浪高。
"Tui you” xianqi yuejin chao, chuangjiang chuang chu lu yitiao; shi han you feng zui youdian, duo kuai hao sheng zhu lang gao.
"Promoting excellence" has set off a leap forward...
1975, August
Shanxi renmin chubanshe (山西人民出版社)
77x53.5 cm.

A female welder at work, improving the welding method.

The poem bottom left is by Luo Jichang (罗继长).
Our attempt at translation:
"Promoting excellence" has set off a leap forward,
the pioneers have found a way out;
test welding has found the best point,
more, faster, better and cheaper the waves are rising.