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The Elderly
Protect socialist reconstruction -- Resolutely follow the socialist road
(mid 1950s)
Protect socialist reconstruction -- Collectivization leads to more happiness
(mid 1950s)
The life of the peasants is good after Land Reform
(ca. 1951)
Mutual help in plowing has brought in more food, the livelihood of the army dependents has grown stronger
(1953, January)
A happy marriage
(1953, February)
Honor elders, cherish the young, in harmony and unity
(1953, March)
A new household that is democratic, peaceful, and engages in united production
(1954, January)
Listen to the uncle from the Volunteer Army telling stories
(1954, October)
Loved ones arriving in the border areas
(1954, December)
(1954, December)
Outline for national agricultural construction for the years 1956-1967 (draft)
The cooperative has increased production again past year, the life of all cooperative members has improved, wearing a new cap and new clothes, the whole family happily celebrates New Year
(1956, March)
Do a good job in household tasks and raising children
(1956, May)
The little assistants of the library
(1956, September)
Dressing up
(1956, September)
Meeting to appraise livestock upon entering the commune
(1956, October)
The army loves the people, the people support the army, the army and the people are as dear to each other as members of one family
(1957, June)
Go to the countryside to participate in labor, to steel yourself to become a true proletarian fighter!
(1958, February)
Celebrate the opening of the big bridge across the Yangzi
(1958, December)
The people's communes are good
(1958, December)
Untitled (People's communes) VIII
Labor is good, study is good, developing cultural recreation activities is good
(1959, December)
The chairman comes to our home, he takes the trouble to make detailed inquiries while chatting
(1961, November)
A fisherman's song is coming from Beijing
(1963, September)
Chairman Mao's good soldier - Lei Feng II
(1964, July)
Soldiers are the children of the people
(1964, August)
Our fine brigade leader
(1964, November)
Examples of model commune members I
(1964, November)
Examples of model commune members II
(1964, November)
To become close with the masses
(1964, December)
Remembering the bitter, thinking about the sweet
(1965, March)
The rifles of the revolution are passed on to the next generation
(1965, October)
Our good representatives
(1965, November)
The friendship between the Chinese and Vietnamese peoples is deep
(1965, November)
The trough rears a new person
(1965, November)
Committing the words of Chairman Mao to memory
(1965, November)
Chairman Mao's good soldier -- Wang Jie
(1966, July)
Growing up in the midst of struggle
(ca. 1970)
Clean and hygienic, inspire the people, change habits and customs, change the nation
(1971, August)
The great significance of implementing [the policy of] marrying late and birth control
(1971, September)
Electing the team leader
(ca. 1972)
Struggle hard to serve the people -- Learn from comrade Zhang Side
(1972, May)
Donated out of love for the people
(1972, September)
Our commune has constructed a well drilling machine
(1973, June)
The factory is small, the aspirations high, striving to make great contributions
(1973, July)
The production brigade's small group for scientific research
(1973, July)
Giving up one's seat
(1973, August)
It's an honor to join the army
(1973, August)
The close friend of travellers
(1973, August)
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