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Love the people, help the people
(ca. 1937)
American Relief Agency - Report on American relief work. 6
The Chen Yongkang mutual aid team challenges the peasantry of the whole country
(ca. 1952)
Drink boiled water, eat cooked rice and cooked meals, put screens on doors and windows, cautiously cover food.
(ca. 1952)
Rural scenery
(1953, November)
How do you prepare and how do you eat?
(1954, April)
Everybody must eat standard rice, flour and cereals
(1954, April)
Pictures of four seasons in the rural village (2)
(1954, November)
Outline for national agricultural construction for the years 1956-1967 (draft)
Important methods to increase agricultural production
(1956, February)
Build our country into a great socialist country with modern industry, modern agriculture and modern science and culture as soon as possible!
(1958, June)
The melons are sweet, grain and rice are fragrant, everybody tries the flavor
(1958, November)
Eight-Point Charter of Agriculture
(1959, December)
Rational close planting, high yield. Implement the Eight-Point Charter well
(1959, December)
(1960, April)
Use food according to plan and with frugality
(1961, February)
The fragrance of rice floats a thousand miles. Everybody poses as a hero
(1961, July)
The new look of Maotian - 2. High mountains turn into granaries
(1964, November)
You chase, I overtake
(1965, October)
Servants of the people I
(1966, July)
Advance victoriously while following Chairman Mao's proletarian line in literature and the arts
(1972, May)
Early spring south of the Yangzi
(1973, October)
Youngsters who have recently arrived in the mountain vastness
(1973, December)
Commemmorative places of the revolution - Shaoshan, Jinggangshan
(1974, May)
The new look of Dazhai
(1974, November)
New spring over the Huai river
(1974, November)
Thousand pounds of grain fall down, don't lose a single kernel
(1975, January)
(1975, May)
Open-door schooling
(1975, August)
Spring in Dazhai
(1975, September)
Four not-having-to-bend scrolls (1, 2)
(1976, August)
Four not-having-to-bend scrolls (3, 4)
(1976, August)
Grasp class struggle, promote the "Four Modernizations" in agriculture
(1976, September)
War horses gather speed
(1976, November)
The university takes care of our mountain village
(1976, November)
I ride the Iron Bull to transplant spring rice
(1977, October)
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