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Foreign Friends: Indochina
Foreign Friends: North Vietnam
Close friendship
(1956, March)
American imperialism, get out of Japan! Get out of South Korea! Get out of South Vietnam! Get out of our country's territory Taiwan! Get out of Turkey!
(1960, May)
American imperialism must be driven out of Southern Vietnam!
Situation map of the patriotic struggle of the Vietnamese people against America
(1964, August)
Celebrate the victory of the Vietnamese people in their struggle against America!
(1964, August)
American imperialism is the common enemy of all the people in the world!
(1964, December)
Oppose the American infringement upon the Vietnamese Democratic Republic!
(1965, February)
Victory surely must belong to the heroic Vietnamese people!
(1965, April)
The people of South Vietnam are getting stronger with each battle - Resolutely attack the American aggressors on a straight road to victory
(1965, April)
Let hatred concentrate in the bore of the gun, exterminate the American aggressor
(1965, April)
Pointy bamboo stakes for revenge
(1965, July)
Vietnam's army and people valiantly wage war with a deep hatred of the enemy - The more American robbers arrive, the more will be vanquished
(1965, July)
American imperialism must be beaten!
(1965, July)
Practice skills, be always prepared, support Vietnam, wipe out the American aggressor!
(1965, July)
Vietnam's army and people are fighting well
(1965, September)
Vietnam must be victorious! American imperialism must be vanquished!
(1965, September)
Vietnamese boys and girls are very heroic
(1965, October)
Little Vietnamese heroes in the midst of battle. Brave little assistant
(1965, October)
Little Vietnamese heroes in the midst of battle. Wild bees fight the enemy
(1965, October)
Little Vietnamese heroes in the midst of battle. Revenge of the pointed bamboo
(1965, October)
Little Vietnamese heroes in the midst of battle. Two little sentries
(1965, October)
Bury the American imperialists in the boundless ocean of the people's war
Bitterly attack the American robbers!
(ca. 1965)
A decisive battle determines victory - Strike against the American aggressor
(ca. 1965)
Resolutely support the American people in their resistance against American imperialist aggression in Vietnam
(1966, April)
The 700 million Chinese are the strong backup force of the Vietnamese people
(1966, September)
All reactionaries are paper tigers. In appearance, the reactionaries are terrifying, but in reality they are not so powerful. From a long-term point of view, it is not the reactionaries but the people who are really powerful. Mao Zedong
(1968, March)
The people do not fear the American imperialists, but the American imperialists fear the people
(1971, April)
Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981
Register of heroes -- Yan Long
(1984, September)
Reporting to close relatives
(1987, July)
Excellent sons and daughters of China -- Cat ear hole warrior
(1990, November)
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