American imperialism, get out of Japan! Get out of South Korea! Get out of South Vietnam! Get out of our country's territory Taiwan! Get out of Turkey!

美帝国主义从日本滾出去! 从南朝鮮滾出去! 从南越滾出去! 从我国领土台湾滚出去! 从土耳其滾出去!
Mei diguozhuyi cong Riben gun chuqu! Cong Nan Chaoxian gun chuqu! Cong Nan Yue gun chuqu! Cong woguo lingtu Taiwan gun chuqu! Cong Tuerqi gun chuqu!
American imperialism, get out of Japan!
1960, May
Tianjin meishu chubanshe (天津美术出版社)
75x52.5 cm.
BG E12/697

The caricature below right is a US officer, the text on the sign is 美軍基地 - US military base.