According to the description in a 1988 publisher's catalog, the mother, wife and son of a soldier listen to a message from him, recorded while he is on duty on the border between China and Vietnam. The boy wears his soldier hat and holds his medal. The audio cassette is from TDK, a Japanese company that set up production facilities in China in the 1980s.
Source: 1988年年画样本 - New year picture samples, 1988 (人民美术出版社 - Renmin meishu chubanshe, 1988) 这是一幅优秀的现实题材年画作品。画面通过军人的 母亲、妻子和儿子听来自老山前线的亲人讲话录音,以及 孩子手上拿的军功章、桌上放的奖状,既表现了人民解放 军为祖国和人民建立的功勋,又表现了祖国人民对解放军 的热爱之情。