Designer: Yang Keyang (杨可扬), Tao Mouji (陶谋基), Ding Hao (丁浩), Qian Daxin (钱大昕)
1957, September
Smash the rightist's furious attacks! Defend socialist construction!
Fensui youpai changkuang jingong! Baowei shehui zhuyi jianshe! (粉碎右派猖狂进攻 保卫社会主义建設!)
Publisher: Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe (上海人民美术出版社)
Size: 2 x 53x77.5 cm.
Call number: BG E48/587 (IISH collection)
A very rare poster on the campaign against the 'rightists', in which ca. 450.000 people were accused, thousands were imprisoned, and many others were banished to the border areas.