A very rare poster on the campaign against the 'rightists', consisting of two sheets. A larger image is here.
Texts in the left part: black characters in the red squares: 帮助党整風! - Bangzhu dang zhengfeng! - Help the party's rectification! white characters on the blue banner: 向資本主义前進 - Xiang ziben zhuyi qianjin - Forge ahead to capitalism. on the bucket: 污蔑 - Wumie - slander.
Texts in the right part: on the red banner: 社会主义建設 - Shehui zhuyi jianshe - Socialist construction on the book: 馬列主义 - Malie zhuyi - Marxism-Leninism.
The impressum mentions Zhang Zhimin as "responsible editor" (責任編輯 章志敏).