A model in harnessing the Huai river, Jin Xiulan

Zhi Huai mofan Jin Xiulan
A model in harnessing the Huai river, Jin Xiulan
1952, November
Huadong renmin meishu chubanshe (华东人民美术出版社)
38x53 cm.
BG D85/276

In the center Jin Xiulan, wearing a large model workers' award, stands in front of one of the large dams constructed in the Huai river to control floods, probably the Runhe Jifen Sluice.

The six smaller pictures, top right to bottom left:

Jin Xiulan, outstanding member of the Communist Party Youth League in Si County, northern Anhui Province, signs up for the Huai river campaign and encourages others in her village to do the same.

Together with a few other 'activists', she jumps in icy water to dig a drainage ditch. Their example is then followed by migrant workers, standing on the shore.

She and her team develop a way to create roads with reed on muddy and slippery soil, so mud can be carried away fast and many working days are saved.

Almost every night she goes to the tent where sick migrant workers are nursed, and helps them with everything.

She is awarded the outstanding model workers status, and sent off to Berlin to participate in the Third World Festival of Youth and Students, August 1951. On her way back she visits the Soviet Union.

After returning to China, she resumes work on the Huai river project, and often talks about the new things she has seen in the Soviet Union, such as the tractors used to plow the land and allow one person do the work of hundreds.

32.53, 116.09

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