To prevent tooth decay, children should add vegetables, fruits and protein-rich foods to their diet...

預防蛀牙、儿童食物中要增加菜蔬、水果 和蛋白質多的東西、培养每天早晚刷牙的好习惯、这才是有效的办法.
Yufang zhuya, ertong shiwu zhong yao zengjia caishu, shuiguo he danbaizhi duo de dongxi, peiyang meitian zaowan shuaya de hao xiguan, zhe ci shi youxiao de banfa.
To prevent tooth decay, children should add vegetables, fruits and protein-rich foods to their diet...
1957, November
Shanghaishi weishengju (上海市卫生局)
53x38 cm.
BG D85/293

The full title: To prevent tooth decay, children should add vegetables, fruits and protein-rich foods to their diet, and develop a good habit of brushing their teeth every morning and evening. This is an effective way.

All posters in this series