One Hundred Clowns - Drag out the counterrevolutionary revisionist elements and expose them!

Bai chou tu: Ba fangeming xiuzheng zhuyi fenzi jiuchulai shizhong!
One Hundred Clowns - Drag out the counterrevolutionary revisionist elements and expose them!
1967, January
Propaganda Troupe of the Mao Zedong-ism Red Guards of the Politics and Law Commune of the Institute of Political Science and Law, Beijing (北京政法学院政法公社毛泽东主义红卫兵宣传队)
77.5x54.5 cm.
BG E13/812

Especially in the early phase of the Cultural Revolution, people are 'dragged out' by Red Guards and forced to wear caps, collars or placards identifying them as 'monsters', 'demons' or 'clowns' during humiliating public meetings.

On the first row, left to right:
Peng Zhen (彭真), mayor of Beijing.
Lu Dingyi (陆定一), Central Propaganda Minister.
Luo Ruiqing (罗瑞卿), Vice President of State Council, Chief of General Staff.
Yang Shangkun (杨尚昆) Candidate for Central Committee Party Secretary and Central Committee Office Director.
Zhou Yang (周扬), Vice Central Propaganda Minister.

On the second row:
Lin Feng (林枫), Vice Party Secretary of People’s University and Rector of Central Party School.
Wu Lengxi (吴冷西), Director of Xinhua News Agency.
Jiang Nanxiang (蒋南翔), Minister of Higher Education, Rector of Tsinghua University.
Lin Mohan (林默涵), Vice Central Propaganda Minister.
Xu Liqun (许立群), Vice Central Propaganda Minister.

On the third row:
Xia Yan (夏衍), Vice Minister of Culture.
Qi Yanming (齐燕铭), Vice Minister of Culture.
Liu Ren (刘仁), Second Beijing City Party Secretary.
Wan Li (万里), Vice Secretary of Beijing City Party Secretary Office, Vice Mayor of Beijing.
Zheng Tianxiang (郑天翔), Secretary of Beijing City Party Secretary Office.

On the fourth row:
Tian Han (田汉), President of Theater Author association.
Wu Han (吴晗), Vice Mayor of Beijing.
Fan Jin (范瑾), Vice Mayor of Beijing, Director of Beijing News.
Lu Ping (陆平), Rector of Beijing University.
Peng Peiyun (彭珮云), Beijing University Vice Party Secretary.

The red text above:
"Supreme command
It is up to us to organize the people. As for the reactionaries in China, it is up to us to organize the people to overthrow them. Everything reactionary is the same; if you do not hit it, it will not fall. This is also like sweeping the floor; as a rule, where the broom does not reach, the dust will not vanish of itself."
This quotation is from the Quotations from Chairman Mao (Mao zhuxi yulu 毛主席语录), chapter 2, Classes and Class Struggle, originally published in "The Situation and Our Policy After the Victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan" (August 13, 1945), Selected Works, Vol. IV, p. 19.

Translations: Christine Moll-Murata.

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