With you in charge, I'm at ease. Presented to dependents of military martyrs and disabled armymen

你办事我放心. 赠给烈军属残废军人
Ni ban shi, wo fang xin. Zenggei liejun shu canfei junren
With you in charge, I'm at ease
Revolutionary Committee of Lüda City, Liaoning Province (辽宁省旅大市革命委员会)
52x76.5 cm.
BG E13/824

With you in charge, I am at ease, Mao writes on a piece of paper that he hands over to Hua Guofeng. Hua uses this document - which may or may not be authentic - to prove Mao really appointed him as successor.
This poster was a present for the 1977 Spring Festival (Chinese New Year).

39.916, 116.377