Study the spirit of Lei Feng wholeheartedly, be diligent and conscientious in serving the people!

Xuexi Lei Feng jingshen, quanxin quanyi, qinqin kenken wei renmin fuwu!
Study the spirit of Lei Feng wholeheartedly, be diligent and conscientious in serving the people!
1964, November
Zhongguo dianying chubanshe (中国电影出版社)
54x66 cm.
BG E15/388

This poster shows a still from the movie "Satisfied or not?" (满意不满意), released by the Changchun Film Studio in 1963. It tells the story (on the top right hand side) of the young waiter Yang Yousheng (杨友生), whose professional attitude in providing service initially is lacking seriously. With the help of the Party, and after studying Lei Feng's revolutionary spirit, he changes his behavior towards rendering services and decides to become a never rusting screw in the revolutionary machine.

The calligraphy on Lei Feng's portrait is by Mao Zedong, "Study Comrade Lei Feng" (向雷锋同志学习).


满意不满意, Changchun Film Studio, 1963.