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Cultural undertakings - The great accomplishments of three years People's Republic of China
(1952, October)
Chairman Mao's projection team has arrived!
(1953, February)
The most important tasks of the Cultural Revolution are ....
(1958, June)
Labor is good, study is good, developing cultural recreation activities is good
(1959, December)
Struggle to achieve an even greater leap forward in literature and art work under the shining radiance of Mao Zedong Thought!
(1960, April)
Red Coral
(1964, June)
Study the spirit of Lei Feng wholeheartedly, be diligent and conscientious in serving the people!
(1964, November)
The projectionist of the village
(1966, June)
The Great World in Shanghai
(1966, September)
Chairman Mao's heart and ours forever beat as one - Chairman Mao inspects the great Cultural Revolutionary armies for the seventh time
A shining example - A great beginning - Chairman Mao's 8th inspection of the Cultural Revolution army
Beijing supports you
The people of Shanghai warmly welcome the 41 young overseas Chinese heroes!
Sailing the seas depends on the helmsman
(ca. 1968)
Waging revolution depends on Mao Zedong Thought
(ca. 1969)
Long live the great friendship between China and Albania
(early 1970s)
Glorious Example - Chairman Mao's good student Jiao Yulu
(Early 1970s)
Unite to prevent floods by water control
(1975, August)
Clarion call of victory, have a bright future
(late 1970s)
Down with the "Gang of Four" single sheet cartoons, no. 1
(1976, December)
Thoroughly expose and criticize the 'Gang of Four's' crimes of smothering the movie «The Builders» and negating the red banner of Daqing
(1977, March)
New movie talents
(1981, October)
New movie stars
(1981, October)
Huo Yuanjia (Fearless) I
(1985, August)
Huo Yuanjia (Fearless) II
(1985, August)
Chen Zhen (The Fist) I
(1985, September)
Chen Zhen (The Fist) II
(1985, September)
The Bund I
(1986, August)
The Bund II
(1986, August)
It is fortunate that history is written by the people
The Great World in Shanghai
(ca. 1989)
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