The proletarian revolutionary faction unites mightily to wrest power from the power holding faction that walks the capitalist road (the great cultural revolution will shine forever group painting 4)

无产阶级革命派大联合 夺走资本主义道路当权派的权 (文化大革命永放光芒组画四)
Wuchan jieji gemingpai dalianhe duo zou ziben zhuyi daolu dangquan paide quan (wenhua dageming yongfang guangmang zuhua 4)
The proletarian revolutionary faction unites mightily to wrest power from the power holding faction that walks the capitalist road (the great cultural revolution will shine forever group painting 4)
1976, August
Shanghai renmin chubanshe (上海人民出版社)
54x78 cm.
BG E15/727

The poster shows an urban mass demonstration in support of the slogan "Proletarian revolutionaries unite to seize power from those in power within the party who are bent on taking the bourgeois road" (无产阶级革命派联合起来,向党内一心提走资产主义道路的当权派夺权). On the pavement, the slogan "Completely defeat Liu Shaoqi!" (彻底打倒刘少奇!) has been scribbled, with Liu's name in disarray to indicate that he has been struck from power. One of the flags identifies the "Rebel Faction" (造反派).

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