The countryside is a vast world where much can be accomplished

Nongcun shi yige guangkuode tiandi, zai nali shi keyi da you zuoweide
The countryside is a vast world where much can be accomplished
ca. 1968
Publisher unknown
54x77 cm.
BG E15/852

The Mao quote, from 22 December 1968, reads "It is absolutely necessary for educated young people to go to the countryside to be re-educated by the poor and lower-middle peasants. Cadres and other city people should be persuaded to send their sons and daughters who have finished junior or senior middle school, college, or university to the countryside. Let us mobilize. Comrades throughout the countryside should welcome them" (知识青年到农村去,接受贫下中农的再教育,很有必要。要识服城里干部和其他人,把自己初中,高中,大学毕业的子女,送到乡下去,来一个动员。各地农村的同志应当欢迎他们去).

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