Recycle old bottles to use them again, increase production and be thrifty for the revolution

Jiu ping huishou neng liyong zengchan jieyue wei geming
Recycle old bottles to use them again, increase production and be thrifty for the revolution
Early 1960s
Liaoning sheng fei jiu wuzi huishou gongsi (辽宁省废旧物资回收公司)
77x54 cm.
BG E15/932

This poster, published by the Liaoning Old and Used Goods Collection Company, calls on the people to hand over their used glass containers, i.e., bottles, jars, etc. The text suggests that these will not be melted down to be made into new ones, but rather that each piece of glassware will be returned to the company that used it for packaging purposes. It further suggests that the containers will be sterilized and reused. Thus the aim of thriftiness for the revolution is realized: less new glass containers will need to be produced; no raw materials will be wasted. Ten items of recycled glassware make it possible to save five pounds of coal and more than a pound of sodium carbonate.

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