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Happy family
(1954, October)
Celebrate the motherland's festival with new achievements!
(1955, August)
Long live the great unity of all the peoples of the whole nation
(1957, January)
Celebrate a great leap forward year
(1958, September)
Ride the East Wind, leap forward again and again!
(1958, December)
Practice thrift, save energetically - Celebrate the great tenth anniversary of the founding of the nation
The first bridge over the ten thousand 'li' long Yangzi
(1960, December)
Recycle old bottles to use them again, increase production and be thrifty for the revolution
(Early 1960s)
Long live the General Line! Long live the Great Leap Forward! Long live the People's Communes!
(ca. 1960)
Long live the Chinese Communist Party
(1964, September)
Long live the People's Republic of China
(1964, September)
The evening of the festival
(1964, December)
Long live the People's Republic of China
(1965, September)
All flowers turn to the sun, all red hearts turn to the Party
(1965, November)
We are eternally loyal to you, beloved leader Chairman Mao
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
Warmly welcome the founding of the Hunan Provincial Revolutionary Committee – 10 April 1968
(1968, April)
Chairman Mao will be with us forever
(ca. 1968)
In happiness, we must not forget class suffering, hard work and plain living must be passed on through the generations
(early 1970s)
Warmly welcome the victorious convening of the Fourth Session of the National People's Congress
(1971, September)
The red flowers are blooming
(1972, May)
Welcome, comrades in arms
(1972, October)
Warmly welcome the victorious convening of the Chinese Communist Party's 10th National Congress!
(1973, July)
Subscribe to Chinese magazines in English
(early 1970s)
The people of all nationalities loudly sing "The East is Red" -- Celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China
(1974, August)
[anti-Taiwanese contacts poster]
Commemorate the tenth anniversary of the good swim great leader Chairman Mao had in the Yangzi River on 16 July
Taiwanese compatriots are my blood brothers
(1976, March)
Long live the victory of the great proletarian cultural revolution
(1976, May)
Crossing the 10,000 li Yangzi River
(1976, June)
The loving care of the mother country
(1976, July)
Songs of victory resound to the sky
(1976, July)
A holiday on the West Lake
(1976, August)
The whole nation colors red (the great cultural revolution will shine forever group painting 5)
(1976, August)
The happy Water-Sprinkling Festival has a new atmosphere
(1976, October)
Warmly celebrate the appointment of comrade Hua Guofeng as chairman of the Party Central Committee and as chairman of the Central Military Committee, warmly celebrate the great victory of the smashing of the "Gang of Four"'s evil plot to usurp Party power
(1976, November)
Chairman Mao had a boundless trust in Chairman Hua, all the people enthusiastically support Chairman Hua
(1976, December)
Chairman Mao had a boundless confidence in Chairman Hua, the people and the army of the whole nation enthusiastically support Chairman Hua
(1976, December)
Long live the Chinese Communist Party! Long live Mao Zedong Thought!
(1976, December)
The myriad masses rejoice
(1976, December)
Unite most closely around the Party Central Committee with Chairman Hua at its core
(1976, December)
Chairman Hua and we are of one heart
(1977, February)
Chairman Hua mounts Tian'anmen, the people's leader loves the people
(1977, July)
The hearts of the sons and daughters of the steppes go to Chairman Hua
(1977, October)
Warmly welcome the victorious opening of the Fifth Session of the National People's Congress
(1977, December)
Hold high the red banner of Daqing, to strive for new victories
(1978, February)
Ode to proud Yang
(1978, May)
A moment that is hard to forget
(1978, August)
Chairman Hua, we warmly love you
(1978, September)
Chairman Hua, the people of all nationalities warmly love you!
(1978, September)
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