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Support the leader -- Women's Group Training Wall Chart Nr. 3
(ca. 1939)
Increase production, harvest more food!
Build a new China and make a great effort to forge ahead
(ca. 1951)
Do your own thing
(1953, November)
Wipe out illiteracy
(1953, November)
Why do we have to eat?
(1954, April)
Citizens of the People’s Republic of China are equal under the law
(1954, September)
Arrange your wedding yourself
(1954, December)
Men plough, women weave
(ca. 1954)
Love for labor is our virtue
(1955, March)
Participate in collective activities!
(1955, July)
Welcome the second Five Year Plan
(1957, October)
Develop the honor of the members of the Communist Youth League -- Labor Study Unity
(1957, November)
Establish the grand guiding principle of communism -- Surpass and overtake the most advanced capitalist nations in the field of economy after seven years
(1959, February)
Make use of scientific theories to raise the standards of production
(1960, March )
We use Mao Zedong Thought to arm our heads
(1960, March)
(1960, April)
(1960, April)
(1960, April)
Recycle old bottles to use them again, increase production and be thrifty for the revolution
(Early 1960s)
The friendship of the peoples of China and the Soviet Union is everlasting
(1962, April)
Study for the cause of the revolution; genuinely master Mao Zedong thought
(1965, August)
Bitterly attack the American robbers!
(ca. 1965)
Everybody plants trees and creates forests to change the appearance of mountains and rivers
(1966, May)
Thoroughly smash the old Municipal Party Committee
People's Daily (Red Flag) Magazine Editorial-January 12, 1967. Resolutely oppose economism and completely crush the new counterattack of the bourgeois reactionary line!
The working class gives the best example of how to enthusiastically and thriftly run a factory
(Early 1970s)
When cleaning the accumulated junk for Spring Festival, sell it enthusiastically to the state for the people
(Early 1970s)
Change old customs and habits - transform the country
(Early 1970s)
War preparation 'light cavalry' group
(1973, March)
Use "Water Margin" (Shuihu) as a negative example that may serve as a lesson to let all people know the capitulationists
(1975, November)
Earnestly study the Eleventh Party Congress document
(1977, September)
The land yields good harvests and the people enjoy good health, the domestic animals are all thriving
(1980, August)
Realize the nation's Four Modernizations, strive for more glory
(1981, June)
Care for comrades, respect the teacher and love the student, strive for domestic peace, unite with the neighbourhood
(1983, January)
Roller-skate dancing
(1983, June)
Everybody must study and observe the law, everything must be done according to the law
Order on the basis of civil procedures to protect civil rights and interests in accordance with the law
Government policy warms the people's hearts, year after year we celebrate abundance
(1984, August)
Industriousness builds the family fortune, labor creates wealth
(1984, August)
Industrial census. It is an important foundation to implement the modernization of management
(1985, October)
Have discipline
(1986, February)
Youthful dancesteps
(1986, April)
New flowers are opening everywhere in Yangcheng
(1986, April)
Marry late, conceive late
The people are industrious, spring is early
(1987, July)
Fresh flowers for the hero
(1987, August)
We ascended Tian'anmen
(1989, June)
Happy melody
(1990, August)
The quality of the population needs to be improved urgently
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