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I'm a battlefield hero as well as a labor hero!
(ca. 1950)
Zhao Guilan at the conference of outstanding workers
The Chinese People's Volunteer Army is the comrade-in-arms of the (North) Korean people and the safeguard of world peace!
(1952, April)
Increase culture, to create a modernized, regular army for national defense!
(1952, August)
Visit to a state-run farm
(1952, November)
People's Volunteers meet Wang Guiying
(1952, December)
Patriotic production campaign on the grasslands (The Inner Mongolia People's Autonomous Government rewards model workers in animal husbandry with excellent breeds of cows)
(1952, December)
Zhao Guilan at the conference of outstanding workers
(1952, December)
Another victory
(1953, May)
Study the Soviet Union's advanced economy to build up our nation
(1953, June)
Glorious most beloved person
(1953, September)
Glorious meeting
(1953, November)
Report of a success on our nation's production frontline
(1953, November)
Female combat hero Tu Xun
(1953, November)
First rank female combat hero Guo Junqing
(1953, November)
Gratitude for the uncle from the Volunteer Army
(1953, December)
Uncle, we have been victorious!
(1953, December)
Helping the heroic Korean people resume a peaceful life
(1954, March)
Protecting the great mother country
(1954, July)
A glorious production model
(1954, July)
Move towards collectivization, happiness forever
(1954, October)
Implement collectivization, share prosperity. Love the PLA, defend peace
(1954, October)
Glorious girl
(1954, November)
Great friendship, unselfish help
(1955, January)
We must liberate Taiwan
(1955, January)
It must be our responsibility to maintain safety in the rear-area of our country!
(1955, August)
Greet the National Congress of advanced workers with real achievements
(1956, April)
Achieve extraordinary results in ordinary posts
(1959, November)
Advance and advance again, glory and more glory
(1959, November)
Today a Young Pioneer, tomorrow a red-banner pacesetter
(1960, May)
Wholeheartedly educate communist successors
(1960, May)
Set up high expectations, climb high peaks, greatly go in for a technological revolution
(1960, June)
Studying heroes is fun
(1963, November)
Chairman Mao meets with labor heroes
(1964, July)
Sending off one's son to join the army
(1964, September)
Good sisters at the conference of outstanding workers
(1964, November)
Imperialism and all reactionaries are all paper tigers
(1965, December)
All must think of Chairman Mao, all must obey Chairman Mao, all must follow Chairman Mao closely, all must act as Chairman Mao
(1968, November)
Attack the destructive activities of active counterrevolutionaries exhibition
(1970, July)
We will not attack unless we are attacked, if we are attacked, we will certainly counterattack
(1970, August)
Hero Qiu Shaoyun
(1973, October)
Improve quality, create high quality products
(late 1970s)
Winning honour for the nation
(1980, June)
Study Lei Feng's fine example -- Develop the spirit for bitter struggle
(early 1980s)
Protect the nation, strengthen national defense
(1981, August)
Protect the nation, protect the borders
(1982, August)
A glorious return
(1983, June)
He Long with outstanding athletes
(1983, June)
Triumphant return
(1983, August)
Study comrade Lei Feng
(1983, August)
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