一场血淋淋的反革命谋杀案 Yi chang xuelinlinde fangeming mousha'an! Designer Designer unknown (未知) Date 1967 Publisher Red Rebels Changchun Red Guard Headquarters - Hongse zaofanzhe Changchun shi Hongweibing zongbu (红色造反者长春市红卫兵总部) Size 55x79 cm. Call nr. BG E17/1 Collection IISH collection Notes Poster on violence committed during the fights between the different Red Guard factions in Changchun (长春) on 10 July, 1967. The boy top left was run over by a car and killed, other victims are shown lying in hospital. Theme Cultural Revolution Campaigns (1966-1976) Link to IISH catalog https://search.iisg.amsterdam/Record/1514734 43.879754, 125.296621