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Wenhua Dageming
Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping and Tao Zhu must get out of the Central Committee of the Party!
A record revealing the criminal deeds of the counter-revolutionary revisionist and counter-revolutionary Zhang Wenhai
Hold high the red banner of great Mao Zedong Thought to wage the great proletarian cultural revolution to the end
(1966, July)
The sunlight of Mao Zedong Thought illuminates the road of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
(1966, August)
Thoroughly crush the counterrevolutionary revisionist clique of Peng, Lu, Luo and Yang
(1966, December)
Train and mature in the fire of revolutionary struggle!
Following Chairman Mao forever making revolution
A blood-soaked counterrevolutionary murder case
Thoroughly crush the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee's capitalist class reactionary line, with Chen Pixian and Cao Diqiu as its heads
Long live the victory of the proletarian revolutionary line with Chairman Mao as its representative! Long live the victory of Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution!
Red Rebels unite!
Stop the armed struggle at once!
Struggle with words, not with weapons!
Great meeting to struggle against the counter-revolutionary revisionist elements Wei Hu, Wang Qian, Wang Daren
(1967, February)
Be ready to die in defense of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line - Revolutionary Rebels Picture Exhibition
(1967, February)
Thoroughly criticize the bureaus of industry of the Shanghai city, region and district and the reactionary line of the capitalist class. Oath taking rally. Hold high the great red banner of Mao Zedong Thought.
(1967, February)
Learn from the workers-peasants-soldiers, unite with the workers-peasants-soldiers
(1967, February)
Resolutely smash the number one person in authority in the Party taking the capitalist road - Liu Shaoqi
(1967, April)
Hold high the great red banner of Mao Zedong Thought - Thoroughly smash the rotting counterrevolutionary revisionist line in literature and the arts
(1967, April)
Thoroughly criticize the great poisonous weed of "How to be a good communist"
(1967, April)
The shaming of Wang Heshou in Beijing
(1967, May)
Down with Li Fanwu!
(1967, July)
Down with Li Fanwu!
(1967, July)
Urgent announcement for the people of the whole nation; Make the "Three Anti" element Zhang Yunjie and the bad leader of the Liaoning University 831 group Zhang Xiangjiu pay their blood debts
(1967, August)
Smash Li Jingquan and his small handful of confederates
(1967, September)
Thoroughly smash the new counterattack by the capitalist reactionary line!
(ca. 1967)
Long live the dictatorship of the proletariat!
(ca. 1967)
Chairman Mao teaches us: It is up to us to organize the people. As for the reactionaries in China, it is up to us to organize the people to overthrow them. Revolutionary Rebel factions unite to wage the Proletarian Cultural Revolution to the end!
(ca. 1967)
There is irrefutable evidence that the rotten heads of the United Departments plotted to instigate a "Second Shanghai Riot"! They cannot get away with it!
(ca. 1967)
Completely smash the capitalist class and the reactionary line of Liu and Deng!
(ca. 1967)
The Printing Department soldiers vow to unite with the promoters of progress
(ca. 1967)
Down with Liu Shaoqi!
The 3 July and 24 July proclamations are Chairman Mao's great strategic plans! Unite with forces that can be united with to strike surely, accurately and relentlessly at the handful of class enemies
Red Guard kill American imperialism and Soviet revisionism - The world strikes down American imperialism and Soviet revisionism
Long live the victory of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line in art!
(ca. 1968)
Highest Instruction: Practice thrift, wage revolution
Highest Instruction: Support the army, love the people
Protect the great results of the Great Cultural Revolution
(1974, July)
Bombard the capitalist headquarters (the great cultural revolution will shine forever group painting 2)
(1976, August)
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