60 years New China -- We have friends all over the world

新中国60年 - 我们的朋友遍天下
Xin Zhongguo 60 nian - Women de pengyou bian tianxia
60 years New China -- We have friends all over the world
PRC Ministry of Education (中华人民共和国教育部), New China News Agency (新华通讯社)
52,5x75 cm.
BG E18/115

Series of 12 posters, celebrating 60 years of PRC, for use on primary and secondary school campuses.
Meetings of Chinese and international leaders: Mao, Stalin, Deng, Jiang Zemin, Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Jacques Chirac, Putin, Hu Jintao, Obama.

All posters in this series