模范共青团员胡业桃 Mofan Gongqingtuanyuan Hu Yetao Designer Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy Art Workers (中国解放军海军美术工作者) Date 1972, July Publisher Renmin meishu chubanshe (人民美术出版社) Size 77x53 cm. Call nr. BG E37/193 Collection Landsberger collection Notes The text in the top corner reads: "I approve of this kind of slogan, known as 'Fearing neither hardship or death' - [signed] Mao Zedong" (我赞成这样的口号,叫做“一不怕苦,二不怕死“- 毛泽东). Theme Hu Yetao Models and Martyrs Tags China poster Chinese propaganda 1972 Hu Yetao People's Liberation Army Navy Communist Youth League 共青团 model martyr electricity power cables light bulb Quotations from Chairman Mao Mao Zhuxi Yulu 毛主席语录