State Administration for Industry and Commerce Laws and Regulations charts

Gongshang xingzheng guanli falü xuanchuan guatu
State Administration for Industry and Commerce Laws and Regulations charts
Huacheng chubanshe (花城出版社)
77x53 cm.
BG E37/882

This series consists of 11 posters, illustrating the scope and workings of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法, 1993); the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国公司法, 1993); the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国商标法, originally adopted in 1983, revised in 1992); the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国广告法, 1994); and the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法, 1993).

The poster explains the workings of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国公司法), adopted and promulgated on 29 December 1993. Under the heading "Limited liability companies and joint stock companies are corporate legal persons" (有限责任公司和股份有限公司是企业法人), the workings and (legal) responsibilities of the various types of companies are explained. The slogan in the middle reads "This Law shall apply to foreign-invested limited liability companies. If there are other provisions in the laws regarding Sino-foreign joint ventures, Sino-foreign cooperative enterprises, and foreign-invested enterprises, such provisions shall apply" (外商投资的有限责任公司适用本法,有关中外合资经营企业,中外合作经营企业,外资企业的法律另有规定的,适用其规定). The two slogans below read: "The term 'wholly state-owned company' as used in this Law refers to a limited liability company solely invested and established by an investment institution authorized by the state or a department authorized by the state. Companies that produce special products or companies that belong to specific industries determined by the State Council should take the form of wholly state-owned companies" (本法所称国有独资公司是指国家授权投资的机构或者国家授权的部门单独投资设立的有限责任公司。国务院确定的生产特殊产品的公司或者属于特定行业的公司,应当采取国有独资公司形式).

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