Carry on the revolutionary tradition and devote yourself to realizing the Four Modernizations - Commemorate the 65th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement - 1919-1984

继承革命传统 献身四化建设 - 纪念五四运动六十五周年 1919-1984
Jicheng geming chuantong xianshen si hua jianshe - jinian wusi yundong liushiwu zhounian 1919-1984
Carry on the revolutionary tradition and devote yourself to realizing the Four Modernizations - Commemorate the 65th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement - 1919-1984
1984, April
Tianjin renmin meishu chubanshe (天津人民美术出版社)
53.5x77 cm.
BG E48/496