Deng Xiaoping: Strive to build our army into a powerful modernized and regularized revolutionary army.

邓小平: 为把我军建设成为一支强大的现代化正规化革命军队而奋斗.
Deng Xiaoping: Wei ba wo jun jianshe chengwei yi zhi qiangda de xiandaihua zhenggui hua geming jundui er fendou
Deng Xiaoping: Strive to build our army into a powerful modernized and regularized revolutionary army.
Zhongguo renmin jiefangjun: Houqin zhengzhibu (中国人民解放军:后勤政治部)
80x120 cm.
BG L4/588

The calligraphy by Deng is dated 1 August 1987.

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