To realise the great juvenation of the Chinese nation is presently the greatest dream of the Chinese nation. This is the dream of a strong nation, and when we talk of every single Chinese, it is our own dream

Shixian Zhonghua minzude weida fuxing jiushi Zhonghua minzu jindai zui weidade mengxiang. Zheige mengxiang shi qiangguo meng, dui women meige Zhongguo ren lai shuo, ta shi women zijide meng.
To realise the great juvenation of the Chinese nation is presently the greatest dream of the Chinese nation. This is the dream of a strong nation, and when we talk of every single Chinese, it is our own dream
Jiefangjun zong zhengzhibu xuanchuanwei (解放军总政治部宣传委)
55x110 cm.
BG L4/621

Published by the Propaganda Committee of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army.

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