Thoroughly implement the health pledge, have common disinfected insecticide-spreading equipment in reserve, practice disinfection, extinguish germs and poisonous insects.

Chedi zhixing weisheng gongyue, pubian zhubei xiaodu yaojie, jinxing xiaodu, pumie xijunduchong.
Thoroughly Thorougly implement the health pledge, have common disinfected insecticide-spreading equipment in reserve, practice disinfection, extinguish germs and poisonous insects.
ca. 1952
Fujian Province Association for the Popularisation of Science and Technology, Fujian Province People's Science Academy (福建省科學技術普及協會, 福建省人民科學館 ), Fuzhou
76.5x36 cm.

The woman in blue (a cadre) points to the "Patriotic Health Pledge" (愛國衛生公約).

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