Whatever work is work aiming to complete and not to fail the Five Year Plan, all that work is glorious!

Renhe laodong, dou shi wancheng wunian jihua buke queshaode laoding, dou shi guangrongde laodong!
Whatever work is work aiming to complete and not to fail the Five Year Plan, all that work is glorious!
1956, March
Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe (上海人民美术出版社)
53x77 cm.

The worker operates a Chinese typewriter, containing a set of characters, cast in metal. An arm with a pointer is moved over the table of characters to make a selection, and the press of a lever causes the corresponding character to be lifted and struck onto the paper.
In the background is a poster by Cai Zhenhua: Socialism is our goal, it is our direction!, March 1956.