Down with Liu Shaoqi! Down with Deng Xiaoping! Hold high the great red banner of Mao Zedong Thought - Great Meeting to thoroughly criticize the reactionary capitalist line of Liu and Deng

打倒刘少奇!打倒邓小平!高举毛泽东思想伟大红旗 - 彻底批判刘、邓资产阶级反动路线大会
Dadao Liu Shaoqi! Dadao Deng Xiaoping! Gaoju Mao Zedong sixiang weida hongqi - Chedi pipan Liu, Deng zichan jieji fandong luxian dahui
Down with Liu Shaoqi! Down with Deng Xiaoping! Hold high the great red banner of Mao Zedong Thought ...
1967, January
Publisher unknown
78x54 cm.

Call for a mass meeting on People's Square in Shanghai.

31.228, 121.475

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