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Foreign Friends: African Friends
The TAZARA Railway
American germ warfare criminals will not escape the righteous punishment of the people of the world!
(1952, July)
The people of the world ardently love peace
(1954, October)
We have been pregnant with life, we want to safeguard life!
(1956, February)
The flowers of friendship bloom everywhere
(1957, May)
Long live the unity of proletarians from the whole world!
(1958, April)
Peace is our hope
(1959, August)
The Great Wall of Friendship is ten thousand 'li' long
(1960, October)
Friends from afar are coming to visit
(1961, November)
Proletarians of the world, unite to oppose our common enemy!
(1963, February)
Awakened peoples, you will certainly attain the ultimate victory!
(1963, September)
Revolutionary friendship. Friends from Asia, Africa and Latin America visit the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution
(1963, November)
Revolutionary friendship. Friends from Asia, Africa and Latin America visit the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution
(1963, November)
Oppressed peoples of the world unite, resolutely oppose American imperialism
(1964, April)
Our friends from all over the world
(1964, April)
Drive the old and new colonialists out of Africa!
(1964, August)
The commune receives the honored guests, the sisters' hearts beat as one
(1964, September)
Guests from afar
(1964, October)
American imperialism is encircled ring upon ring by the people of the world
(1965, August)
The struggle of all the people in the world against American imperialism will be victorious!
(1965, September)
American imperialism get out of Africa
(1966, January)
The new look of traffic
(1966, February)
Long live the victory of people's war!
(1966, April)
Resolutely support the anti-imperialist struggle of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America
Support the anti-imperialist struggle of the people of the world
Chairman Mao is the red sun in the hearts of the world's revolutionary peoples
(1967, September)
Following Mao Zedong the world will turn red
(1967, September)
Chairman Mao is the great liberator of the world's revolutionary people
(1968, April)
People of the world unite, defeat the American invaders and every servile follower!
(1968, April)
(1968, April)
U.S. imperialism must get out of all places it occupies!
(ca. 1968)
Chairman Mao is the reddest, reddest red sun in the hearts of all the people of the world
(1969, February)
Following Chairman Mao forever more making revolution, following Chairman Mao making the whole world red ...
(1969, April)
All peoples of the world, unite, to overthrow American imperialism!
(1969, September)
People of the world love Chairman Mao
People of the world love Chairman Mao
The evil system of colonialism and imperialism arose and throve with the enslavement of n*****s ...
(ca. 1970)
L'exécrable système colonialiste et impérialiste dont la prospérité a débuté avec l'asservissement et la traite des noirs ...
(ca. 1970)
Seas and oceans are not separated, the silver needle passes on friendship
(1971, December)
Proletarians of the world, unite!
(1971, December)
Irresistible historical trend; countries strive for independence; nations strive for liberation; the people strive for revolution; ...
(1972, April )
Our friends from all over the world
(1972, May)
The feelings of friendship between the peoples of China and Africa are deep
(1972, May)
Table tennis spreads friendship
(1972, June)
Our friends from all over the world
(1972, December)
The Yangtse River Bridge at Nanking
(ca. 1972)
Resolutely support the struggle of the African people against colonialism and racial discrimination
(ca. 1972)
The silver ball conveys friendship
(1973, September)
The country demands independence, the nationalities demand liberation, the people demand revolution
(1973, September)
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