People of the world unite, defeat the American invaders and every servile follower!

全世界人民团結起来, 打败美囯侵略者及其一切走狗!
Quan shijie renmin tuanjie qilai, dabai meiguo qinlüezhe jiqi yi qie zou gou!
People of the world unite, defeat the American invaders and every servile follower!
1968, April
Shanghai geming jiaoyu chubanshe (上海革命教育出版社)
77x53 cm.
BG E39/467

The Mao quotation:
People of the world unite, defeat the American invaders and every servile follower! The people of the world have to have courage,have to be brave in battle, don't fear hardships and advance wave upon wave, then the whole world will definitely be of the people. Every devil will be completely eradicated.
Quan shijie renmin tuanjie qilai, dabai meiguo qinlüezhe jiqi yi qie zou gou! Quan shijie renmin yao you yongqi, gan yu zhandou, bu pa kunnan, qianfuhouji, namo, quan shijie jiu yiding shi renmin de. Yi qie mogui tongtong dou hui bei xiaomie.

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